Monday, November 11, 2013

FALL in love

Hey y'all!

I've been completely HORRIBLE about blogging lately. We've had so much going on in this little family of ours (good, productive things!), I'm surprised I actually remembered to brush my teeth before running out the door this morning.

After months of stay-at-home-mommyhood, I've rejoined the working world. But my part-time jobs (yes - there are TWO of them.) aren't like anything I've ever done before. Doing things so different from the norm is refreshing, but also a little exhausting! My next big career-related thing is in January, so things may be completely changing once again - we'll see! Right now, I'm just taking advantage of these out-of-my-comfort-zone experiences and thinking of this time as a period of growth. What that really means, I'm not sure yet, but do we really ever know exactly what we're doing?

Amidst all of our changes around here, we've been trying to enjoy the last bit of fall. The leaves have exploded and now frame the quaint neighborhood streets with gold, crimson and burnt orange. My favorite fall sky is a grey one, so that I can see the brilliance of the colors against a neutral background. Gorgeous!

Anyway, yes... Super bizzy, but I just HAD to post these cute pics of our trip to Carmichael's Pumpkin Patch in Bixby - such a wonderful place!!

Have a happy week! XO

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