I'm *ahem* just a little behind on my monthly updates! Ha!
It's so fun to look at four of these together, though, to see how much he's grown in such a short time! I'm so excited to compile ALL of the pictures (We will have 22 after his 24-month photo... I bought them when he was already a couple months old. We might have to rely on ol' Photoshop for months 1 & 2!).
Here's what he's up to now:
Talking! He "talks" all the time, and loves to say hello and goodbye... And he's very polite with his frequent use of "thank you"! He also really likes to talk about cars and trucks and`calls most SUVs "Hummers". He loves to point out kittys and dogs too! He's great with names, and gets very excited when we talk about family coming to visit!
Running! Instead of merely walking, it's usually a run/walk for Jett. Ha! He's pretty quick, and I'm sure he'll be at a full-blown sprint in no time!
He is loving his pre-school and has already made some friends. In fact, he was sitting "very closely" near a girl in his class the other day and even put his hand on her arm! A little heartbreaker already! Last month when they were working on a Thanksgiving activity, he actually answered his teachers when they asked what he was thankful for. "Dad", he said. And while I would've loved a mention (LOL), I'm proud of him for understanding! His teachers also told us that one day he was trying to share his lunch with a classmate. Love it!
He is really loving playgrounds now, especially slides! Sometimes he can be a little risk-taker and wants to go on the big kid playgrounds!
We (affectionately) call him "Bam Bam" every now and then when he's being especially rough at home. Lately, he has been wanting to run on the couch, bounce against the side and fall flat on his back. He loves to make his momma nervous!
He's also loving music, and LOVES to dance! His daddy's (and Uncle Walker's) guitars are probably his favorite things in the world, and he also loves his little drum set!
We've been enjoying getting into the Christmas spirit around here! Jett loves our Christmas tree (our first real one in YEARS!), and we hope to pay a visit to Santa soon!
That's what we've been up to lately! It's hard to believe our little guy will be TWO in less than a month!
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