Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer on a Skewer

I'll admit - It's been SUPER hard to figure out my schedule/life-balance with my new work schedule. But I have faith that as it becomes more familiar, I'll be able to figure out the best time to blog, respond to emails in a more timely manner, etc.!

J and I are preparing to go to a friend's brunch this morning, and after I made my dish, I couldn't NOT take a picture - it was just too pretty! And then I realized that I must share this dish on my blog, for anyone trying to think of a yummy (and oh so seasonal) dish to bring to a party/cookout/whatever...

Here's a pic of the lovely Caprese Skewers:

I'm obviously not the first to post a Caprese Skewers recipe online, and I'm definitely not saying this is the BEST Caprese Skewers recipe out there... I just wanted to share what I did, and hopefully inspire!

Here's how I made mine:

First, I prepared my ingredients... I rinsed the fresh basil and grape tomatoes, grabbed the fresh mozzarella (it was already shaped into the perfect size for the skewers, so that was a time-saver!) and gathered my skewers. Then I simply added the ingredients to the skewers - I opted to do a tomato-basil-mozzarella-tomato-basil-mozzarella-tomato pattern, which worked very well, especially since the tomato on the end cleans up any of the mozzarella that likes to stick to the skewer. After the skewers were ready, I placed them on a foil-lined platter (just so the Italian dressing would stay contained), drizzled with a little Italian dressing and sprinkled with sea salt and pepper. 

Voila! It's really that easy.

It's such a fun recipe, since you can really change up the ingredients...  I've made them in the past with prosciutto (which was delicious!), and I've also used a variety of dressings/oil-and-vinegar combos for the drizzle. Also, you could change up the seasonings that are sprinkled on top, add more veggies, or anything, really. You could also make mini skewers using toothpicks.

So fun! And so seasonal! Enjoy!


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