Saturday, February 8, 2014

The February Funk

So, apparently there is a thing called Seasonal Affective Disorder (or S.A.D.), which, according to the National Library of Medicine is "a type of depression that occurs at a certain time of the year, usually in the winter."

And I'm guessing that S.A.D. is most common in the lovely month of February. This month is just the pits. It feels like it's been winter FOREVER, and yet Spring seems SO far away. 

I, just like many people, I'm guessing, tend to feel a little "blah" in February. January is fun, fresh and new, with all of its resolutions and promise of a bright, shiny year ahead, so we deal with the snow and the cold. And when February hits, we're just plain O-V-E-R it, huh?

However, I had a revelation this week... I know that most of the resolution-makers see January as the best place to begin. And, yes, I've been brainstorming a list the things I'd like to change in my life since 1/1/14, but I've realized that when I typically put my plan to action is actually in February.

I blame S.A.D. (or the "February Funk", if you will) for not only pulling me down this time of year, but also for helping me to get my rear into motion. There have been quite a few Februarys in the past decade that I can remember making drastic changes. I've trained for two half marathons, and went on a two-week vegan kick (which eventually led to becoming a vegetarian), and I started all of these things in - yes - February.

And today I started training for yet another half marathon. I half believe I'm crazy, since after the Country Music Half in Nashville last year, I claimed that I wouldn't be training for another long distance race for awhile. But what can I say? The S.A.D. has gotten to me once again, forcing (helping?) me to M-O-V-E.

Plus, I need to get a little dirt on my new running shoes. :)

Anyway, I hope all of you are having the loveliest of lovely Februarys, and hopefully you don't have to train for a half marathon to alleviate the winter blues. 

Happy Saturday! XO 

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