Thursday, March 27, 2014

Transitions, y'all

Such a beautiful little poem, huh? I'm really trying (hard) to keep that in mind lately...

Moving and starting a new job are always included in the "most stressful life events" lists, and this past year has been full of both of those things. First, before moving to Oklahoma, our house was on the market for eight months - stressful! Then we moved far, far away from our comfy little East Nashville neighborhood to Tulsa, which was where my husband grew up, so anything he knew about the place was circa 1997ish. Then, right away, my husband started a new job (which was in a new industry, even), and I tried to settle into stay-at-home (or stay-at-my-inlaws?) mommyhood. Fast forward 11 weeks and we were closing on our new Oklahoma home, realizing that if we wanted to pay our mortgage payments, I should probably work part-time. So then I started a few (yes, a few) part-time jobs, some I've actually loved...

And now, I'm jumping back into the full-time workforce. But I'm going to work from home. Which is awesome and scary and exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. I wasn't really looking for something full-time... It kinda just worked out that way. But I'm ready for this new adventure.

Which brings me back to the poem...

Sometimes it's hard to wear that smile all the time (especially on days like yesterday, when at&t had me in frustration-tears), but we gotta keep on keeping' on, huh? And I have a bright-eyed 2-year-old keeping watch on me 24/7, helping me to be accountable for every action/reaction throughout the day. :)

Oh, and just in case my moving/getting new jobs rant in paragraph 2 sounded a little too negative, I just want to mention that we LOVE our house, LOVE our new city and love (lowercase-love, haha) all of our new jobs. The only thing I'd like to go back and tell myself a year ago is to ENJOY my stay-at-home mommy time, because that precious year went by fast and I spent way to much time dwelling on financial stress. Ugh.

It's been a year of stretching, a year of growth. And boy, have we grown. So excited for what's in store! 


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